Firesafe Solutions

Effective Firestopping Techniques


When it comes to fire, prevention and containment are vital to protect lives and maintain the structure of your building and assets.

Firesafe Solutions specializes in providing advanced fire stopping services to ensure the safety and containment of fire. We follow the latest techniques and use industry leading materials to create effective barriers that prevent the spread of flames, smoke, and other dangerous gases.

We provide a complete submittal package with all UL’s and product spec sheets too be used on your jobsite. We address any issues with building officials and attend all inspections and meetings when necessary. We will apply for Engineering Judgements when needed. This will make your jobsite much more efficient.

Contact us today at (305) 339-8580 and request a free quote.

Protect Lives With Our Advanced Firestopping Options

In case of a fire emergency, lives are all that matter. Fortunately, providing solutions to contain and mitigate fire not only protect lives but also protect your building and assets. Firesafe Solution offers fire-stopping options that will fit your business needs.

Penetration Firestopping

A crucial component of fire safety is penetration fire-stopping. To keep fire and smoke from spreading, we specialize in sealing openings and penetrations in walls, floors, and ceilings. Our experienced technicians meticulously install fire-resistant materials and systems, such as fire-rated sealants, collars, wraps, and putties, ensuring that all service penetrations, including pipes, cables, ducts, and conduits, are effectively sealed.

Joint Firestopping

Joint fire-stopping is all about minimizing the risk of fire propagation to maintain the integrity of your building. We use specialized fire-resistant sealants, sprays, and tapes to seal joints, gaps, and connections in walls, floors, and ceilings. This will prevent the spread of fire through expansion joints, wall-to-wall connections, and floor-to-ceiling connections.

We Work With Quality Products

We’re here to help! Simply call (305) 339-8580 to discuss your requirements

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